What Every Woman Needs to Know About Menopause
Hot flashes, night sweats, hair loss, irritability, weight gain, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, headaches, depression. Are these just normal symptoms of getting older? Or could there be an underlying health issue? Has your doctor told you your bloodwork results are within the normal range, prescribed anxiety medications, told you cut out the wine and chocolate chip cookies from your diet, and sent you on your merry way until your next annual appointment? Yet the symptoms you are experiencing continue and are often debilitating? Or maybe you haven’t had these conversations with your doctor yet and want to be armed with the knowledge of what to ask.
In this session, Eric Rittmeyer
(view bio here), known as The Menopausal Marine (that’s also the title of
his new book) will share insights from his years of intense research on the science behind menopause, the medical community’s knowledge (or better yet, lack of knowledge) on the subject and the therapies available to help women find much-needed, and oftentimes, life-changing relief. Eric will arm you with the information you need to have candid conversations with your medical professional to find solutions that lead to a healthier and happier you! Oh, and did we mention that what Eric will be sharing is “JENMA?” You’ll have to tune into his session to discover what that means. 😊